Help title:

The title of your help project. The text you enter here can be inserted anywhere in your project with the <%TITLE%> variable.

For example, in HTML Help you can display it in the title bar of the help viewers by inserting the <%TITLE%> variable in the Title bar text: field for the Main help window definition in the Help Windows section (this is the default setting).

In WebHelp this text is inserted in the title bar of the web browser by using the <%TITLE%> variable in the <title> tag of the frameset file in the Layout section (this is the default setting).


The author of your help project. This text is not used automatically by Help+Manual. You can insert it yourself anywhere in your project with the <%AUTHOR%> variable.


A short text describing your project. This text is not used automatically by Help+Manual. You can insert it yourself anywhere in your project with the <%SUMMARY%> variable.


The copyright notice for your project. This text is not used automatically by Help+Manual. You can insert it yourself anywhere in your project with the <%COPYRIGHT%> variable.


Space for a comment about your project. This text is for internal information and documentation only. There is no corresponding variable so you cannot insert it in topics in your project.

Major Version:
Minor Version:
Build Version:

These fields have four corresponding variables that can be used to generate three-part version numbers.

The variables corresponding to the individual components are <%VERSION_MAJOR%>, <%VERSION_MINOR%> and <%VERSION_BUILD%>.

The fourth variable, <\%VERSION%>, combines the contents of the three fields with dots between them, like this:


Default ("Home") topic:

This setting specifies the topic that is automatically displayed when an electronic help file is opened (HTML Help, WebHelp, eWriter Help). This setting is not supported in ePUB eBooks.

See Setting the default topic for full details on setting and using the default topic in different contexts.

You can also use a user-defined variable in this setting to insert the topic ID of the default topic. Just type the variable name into the Default Topic field using the standard <%VARIABLE_NAME%> syntax. This makes it possible to define the default topic dynamically by changing the definition of the variable when you publish.

Note on Home topic and CHM publishing:
When you are working in Help+Manual and publish a CHM it will try to display with the topic you are currently working on, not with the Home topic. This won't affect the CHM when it is opened directly or by your application, it is just a convenience for use when you are testing while working with Help+Manual.

See also:

Creating Projects

Using Variables