The basic settings for your project are accessed in Properties in the File menu. You can also access it from the Design tab with the Meta Info & Scripting tool there.

Meta Information tab

Click to expand/collapse

This provides users with information about you and your infographic, both when they are viewing it in a browser and when it is linked to in social media like Facebook or Twitter. It should always be configured for Xplains that are going to be made public.


Title of the Xplain


The publisher/author of the Xplain


A brief description. This comes in the description meta tag.

Fallback message

Displayed automatically if the user's browser does not support the Xplain format.

Redirect URL

The URL of your Xplain on the Internet. Remember to include the http:// or https:// prefix. You can also use // on its own, then the browser decides which protocol to use.

Twitter name

Your Twitter user name if you want to include it. Twitter meta tags are automatically included if you add this.

Custom Scripts tab

Advanced users can further customize their Xplains with custom JavaScript code. This can be inserted in the Custom Scripts section, accessed in Properties in the File menu. These functions are designed for advanced users and developers and are not needed for normal use of HelpXplain. See Global Scripts and Object Scripts for more information.

Custom Meta Tags tab

This allows you to add your own HTML meta tags to be inserted in the <head> section of the Xplain HTML page. You must add the full tag, just as you would when entering it in a manually-edited HTML page. For example you can use this for refined OpenGraph meta tags, your Facebook app ID or custom tags for other social media sites.